Playing The Game

When to yell fore in golf

In golf, you should yell "fore" as a safety warning to alert others when there is a risk of your golf ball hitting them or coming close to them. Here are some common situations when you should yell "fore":

Errant Shots: If you hit a shot that veers off-target and has the potential to land near other players or spectators, shout "fore" to warn them of the incoming ball.

Tee Shots: If your tee shot is heading toward another fairway, nearby group of players, or out of bounds, it's crucial to yell "fore" to warn those in the path of your shot.

Approach Shots: When hitting approach shots to the green, if your shot is off-line and heading toward another group of players, spectators, or areas where people may be present, yell "fore" to alert them of the danger.

Lost Balls: If you've lost sight of your golf ball and suspect it may be heading toward other golfers or areas where people are present, it's better to err on the side of caution and yell "fore."

Unintended Long Shots: Sometimes, a shot may travel farther than expected due to a mishit or favorable conditions. If your ball is traveling toward other players or areas where people may be present, quickly shout "fore" to alert them.

It's essential to shout "fore" loudly and clearly to ensure that others can hear the warning and take evasive action if necessary. Safety should always be a priority in golf, so be vigilant and proactive in warning others when there is a risk of injury from an errant shot.